Blackberry users demand extra pay

Blackberry which seemed to be a boon for business and offices but it has turned out to be a headache for the companies. The phone lets you connect to your job and office from anywhere in the world but this has prompted the employees to demand extra pay since they have been working outside office hours. Especially the employees of television networks and news agencies are in the fore front since they type in to update the latest information on the issues they have been working with. The workers of ABC news have reached an agreement with the management regarding their extra salary for their time spend out of office. The company has accepted to pay them on specific situations.

Workers unions in America have submitted similar pleas to their respective companies. I think this is a healthy situation and the managements should consider the workers requests and decide upon a salary structure on mutual consent. There are legal issues to be addressed in this case and companies should maintain transparent policies in this issue. The other side of it is some mischievous employees misusing the privilege to their own benefits which could entail them for legal actions. Blackberry is a wonderful technology and should be channelized for better performance of a company.


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